screenshoot for Triangle

Triangle movie full story and info


The film opens with Jess (Melissa George) at home with her autistic son, Tommy (Joshua McIvor). We watch (sound unheard) as Jess goes about cleaning up after her son. Suddenly, there is a buzz at the front door. Jess goes to see who it was, but finds no-one there. Asking a neighbor who was working in his yard, he claims he didnt see anyone.Sometime afterward, Jess goes down to the nearby harbor where she accepts the invitation of a friend named Greg (Michael Dorman) to go sailing on his boat. Accompanying him are Victor (Liam Hemsworth), Heather (Emma Lung), and the couple Downey (Henry Nixon) and Sally (Rachael Carpani). Greg had also invited Jess to bring her son Tommy with her, but when he asks Jess where he is, Jess hesitates for a moment, before saying hes at school.The crew seems to be sailing along okay, when the wind suddenly dies down. Also of question is a strange electrical storm that is steadily approaching. Greg tries to radio the coast guard, but finds their communications wavering. Another communication comes across, but Gregs request for coordinates of this unknown communication soon gives way to more static.The storm soon reaches the boat, which capsizes, but not before Heather is swept out of the boat into the stormy waters. When the weather clears, the survivors climb onto the upturned boat, unsure what to do next. Suddenly, a large cruise ship floats into view, and the survivors quickly board it, only to find no-one on deck or in the halls. As they criss-cross through the corridors of the ship, Jess begins to have an eerie sense of deja vu. As they keep moving around the ship, a sudden noise catches their attention. What they find is a set of car keys, that are exactly like the set that Jess carries! No-one is sure what this can mean, and the search continues.Jess splits up, only to then encounter Victor who is bleeding, and attempts to strangle her. Jess manages to escape, only to hear a gunshot. Finding herself in the theater of the ship, she finds Greg shot, with Sally and Downey accusing her of killing him. Suddenly, more gunshots ring out, with Sally and Downey being killed. Jess gives chase and soon encounters a masked figure with the shot gun. Finally confronting the figure, it speaks in a muffled speech through the mask, but not before pitching over the side into the ocean below.With everyone around her seemingly dead (and no idea who the masked person was), Jess goes to a cabin on the ship, only to hear yelling from off the boat a few moments later. Looking over the edge, she is shocked to see the overturned boat, and everyone (even herself!) calling to be rescued.Jess soon realizes that she is trapped in a time-loop, that repeats itself when everyone on the ship is killed. The ship also seems to have certain areas that have experienced the same incident multiple times. In one area, Jess finds a locket she wore with her sons pictures inside hanging from a small grate. When she looks further inside, she sees there are multiples, as if this same incident has happened before! Another time, chasing a wounded Sally, she finds this version of Sally now askew in a part of the ship with multiple dead Sallys all around!Mentally fearful that she may never see her son again, Jess attempts to follow the events of what happened and kill everyone. She soon dons the mask and other clothing that she had seen previously, until in a confrontation with herself, she ends up falling off the ship.Jess awakes on a beach soon after , and makes it back home... only to find herself there that morning (where the film started). However, this time, we hear the audio that was missing... and find out that past-Jess is blatantly angry with Tommy, cursing at him and yelling at him. Present-Jess sneaks into the house, and using a hammer, bludgeons her past-self to death. Unfortunately, Tommy witnesses this, and Present-Jess assures her son he just had a bad dream.Jess then takes the locket from her former selfs neck, and puts the d

movie langauges


movie countries

United Kingdom, Australia

movie cast

Rachael Carpani


Michael Dorman


Liam Hemsworth


Melissa George


Christopher Smith

(written by)

Joshua McIvor


Jack Taylor


Henry Nixon


Emma Lung


Bryan Probets


movie genre

Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller

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screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle
screenshoot for Triangle

movie trailer