The Best of Youth movie full story and info
Nicola and Matteo Carati are two brothers of Rome, who live the years from 1966 to 2000 and all the events which have signed this period. They begin their adventure, helping Giorgia, a young girl confined in an asylum. Then, after the flood of Florence, Nicola meets Giulia a talented piano player with a dangerous sympathy for the BR. Matteo, a rebel spirit entered in the police, will find the optimistic photographer Mirella. These four characters and many others will cross the years of terrorism and Tangentopoli.
movie langauges
Italian, English, Norwegian
movie countries
movie cast
Domenico Centamore
Agente Enzo
Luigi Lo Cascio
Nicola Carati
Riccardo Scamarcio
Andrea Utano
Jasmine Trinca
Giorgia Esposti
Paolo De Vita
Don Vito
Fausto Maria Sciarappa
Un Medico
Giovanni Scifoni
Alessio Boni
Matteo Carati
Giuseppe Gandini
Andrea Tidona
Angelo Carati
Fabrizio Gifuni
Carlo Tommasi
Maurizio Di Carmine
Danilo Maria Valli
Adriana Asti
Adriana Carati
Michele Melega
Professore di Lettere
Maya Sansa
Mirella Utano
Valentina Carnelutti
Francesca Carati
Mimmo Mignemi
Max Biondi
Fedele in chiesa
Juana Jimenez
Giuseppe Battiston
Second Role
Sandro Petraglia
Stefano Rulli
Lidia Vitale
Giovanna Carati
Marcello Prayer
Maria Grazia Bon
Portiera Casa Matteo
Mario Schiano
Professore di Medicina
Giovanni Martorana
Antonello Puglisi
Sacerdote Palermo
Claudio Gioè
Vitale Micavi
movie genre
Drama, Romance
movie gallery

movie trailer