Schindlers List movie full story and info
Oskar Schindler is a vainglorious and greedy German businessman who becomes an unlikely humanitarian amid the barbaric German Nazi reign when he feels compelled to turn his factory into a refuge for Jews. Based on the true story of Oskar Schindler who managed to save about 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp, it is a testament to the good in all of us.
movie langauges
English, Hebrew, German, Polish, Latin
movie countries
United States
movie cast
Haymon Maria Buttinger
Auschwitz Guard
Ralph Fiennes
Amon Goeth
Caroline Goodall
Emilie Schindler
Ludger Pistor
Josef Liepold
Liam Neeson
Oskar Schindler
Steven Spielberg
Ewa Kolasinska
Irrational Woman
Piotr Cyrwus
Ukrainian Guard
Olaf Lubaszenko
Auschwitz Guard
Maja Ostaszewska
Frantic Woman
Mark Ivanir
Marcel Goldberg
Pawel Delag
Dolek Horowitz
Jochen Nickel
Wilhelm Kunde
Ben Kingsley
Itzhak Stern
Joachim Paul Assböck
Gestapo Clerk Klaus Tauber
August Schmölzer
Dieter Reeder
Thomas Morris
Norbert Weisser
Albert Hujar
Steven Zaillian
Martin Semmelrogge
SS Waffen Man
Wieslaw Komasa
Plaszow Depot SS Guard
Embeth Davidtz
Helen Hirsch
Geno Lechner
Edward Linde-Lubaszenko
Brinnlitz Priest
Thomas Keneally
Jonathan Sagall
Poldek Pfefferberg
Malgorzata Gebel
Wiktoria Klonowska
Shmuel Levy
Wilek Chilowicz
Béatrice Macola
Andrzej Seweryn
Julian Scherner
movie genre
Biography, Drama, History
movie gallery

movie trailer